Energy resource histories

The dynamics of problematizations over time enabling energy resources to become valuable assets for investments

This subproject will reconstruct the different forms of expertise, and the dynamics among then, involved in valuing energy resources as valuable societal assets in Denmark’s recent history. The empirical entry-point will be critical shifts in the economic governance arrangements pertaining to each energy resource (e.g. the taxation schemes for community owned wind power introduced in the 1980s) (Kirkegaard et al. forthcoming). These shifts will be used as vantage points for analyzing dominance, contestations and re-configurations amongst expertise positions involved in the valuation of energy resources. Data will be based primarily on archival studies in the form of analysis of documents and reports. The document studies will trace problematizations informing the demise/emergence of critical energy resources.

Supplementing these studies, qualitative interviews will be conducted (30-35) in e.g. the Environmental Protection Agency, Ministry of Finance) with informants identified through the studied controversies. Analysis of data will (1) document the role and nature of expertise involved in problematizing the individual energy resources in their history of becoming valuable assets and (2) map and theorize the dynamics of different forms of expertise involved over time in informing energy governance.

The subproject is conducted by Karnøe (leader), Pallesen, Georg, Iuel-Stissing, and Ossandón.